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Andrea's Story on FamilyLife Today

Updated: Jul 31, 2022

It was a historic day as the Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision. Because we believe that all life, including pre-born life, is a gift from God worthy of protection, we celebrate this decision.

In preparation for that expected decision, a couple of weeks ago Andrea went into the FamilyLife Today studios to record her story with Dave and Ann Wilson. She courageously and beautifully shared how, as a 17 year-old girl, she learned she was pregnant and how she found hope and healing through the power of the gospel.

The program is now live on all podcast platforms that carry FamilyLife Today. It will be aired nationally on over 1000 outlets on Monday.

Andrea's motive for sharing her story is that God would use it to meet others like her who need to find the grace and forgiveness of Jesus that overcomes the worst failures of our lives.

As you will hear in the program, this is not a moment to spike a political football as if victory is won and the game is over. This is a time for Christians to get in the game and come alongside women, men, and children who may be dismayed, scared, or under-resourced.

Our desire at FamilyLife is to present a picture of godly families that would make wicked alternatives unthinkable. Godliness is about so much more that public court rulings. It's about the private rulings in every heart. Let's pray that God would use this moment to awaken our the collective heart of our nation to the truth and love of God.

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